Genealogy / Local History Department Hours
Monday: 11am to 7:30pm
Tuesday - Friday: 11am to 5pm
First Saturday of the Month: 10am to 2pm
Evenings by appointment, please call or e-mail in advance.
Holdings include:
Available on location, with library computers or a personal device:
- FamilySearch Affiliate Library provides access to an additional 400 million digital records.
- Dearborn County Newspapers only, 1820s - 2020
- Dearborn Digital Library **NEW** Digital repository extends the reach of local historical treasures, thanks to a generous donation by Milton A. Masing.
Available at the library and/or offsite:
- Dearborn County Obituaries and other death records through 2020 (also check funeral home websites for Dearborn and adjacent counties)
- Family Histories (Click for an alphabetical list)
- Fold3 (military history, can be accessed offsite with a library card)
- Dearborn County Cemeteries (from the Dearborn County Surveyor's Office. Zoom in and click on the yellow cemetery to access the report)
Of Special Interest:
Telephone: (812) 537-2775 ext. 1139
Fax: (812) 537-2810
Email: Rachael Scott